Tears from Heaven

Tears from Heaven was born from the desire of keeping loved ones with us always, to take them with us on our journey through life’s special occasions, or to take them places they would have loved to have seen. It started with photo frame pendants, then I created a jewellery piece with a husbands personal handwriting to his wife, this idea then evolved. If I can help people hold onto memories by making them something truly special, it is my honour and privilege to do so. After months and months of practising and hundreds of resin gems later, I have discovered a way to create a glass-like faceted resin gem. Within the resin you can place material that is sealed. The material could be ashes, hair, sand from a beach wedding, material from a piece of clothing, soil from a burial plot, any number of dry materials that holds precious memories for you. Then together we work on a piece of jewellery that best reflects you and your journey. Totally unique and personal to you and your loved one.
As a manufacturing jeweller of well over 25 years, yes, I'm the person actually making your treasured piece of jewellery, I believe that all jewellery holds very dear memories for the owner. It’s my job to make beautiful pieces, and to think of every possible outcome, every little detail, to make sure your pieces last, and can be adjusted or repaired at any time. Now with my Tears from Heaven range I am able to create pieces where we can keep memories of our loved ones alive, pieces that tell a story by listening, caring, showing empathy and kindness with honesty and integrity.
If you pop over to my "Blog" post you will see a few write ups my custom pieces.
The Process:
We do a our consultation, either face to face or via email or messenger, we will discuss colour, style and design of Jewellery. We will also talk about what material you would like to use in your resin gem. For me, this is the most important part of the process as there are very few things in this world that would mean more to us than our loved ones. Rest assured that I will handle your loved ones memory with the utmost respect and care. Any material that is not used will be sent back to you.
Once completed, you will have a beautiful personal memento of your loved one to keep close to you every day as you remember them in your own special way.
Before you commit to having a resin gem piece of Jewellery made please consider the following:
- I prefer face to face appointments . Even though the risk is small, loss of a parcel via shipping either to me or back to you is a risk I would like to avoid. I am based on the Northside in Brisbane.
- If you would like to send me your inclusions, you can do so, as long as you are aware of the risk. I can give you a check list of how to send me a parcel safely. We can do consults via email, or messenger with ease.
- The risk of loss or theft. If you lose your item, or someone breaks into your home or car and heaven forbid steals your jewellery, your gem is gone forever. Please consider this if loved ones ashes are in your piece.
- If I feel a setting isn’t strong enough or secure enough for your precious resin gem, I will decline to make the style. Structural integrity is at the forefront of my mind, but am happy to work on a more robust design for the security of the gem.
- Approximately half a teaspoon or less is needed of precious material, anything unused is returned to you.
- Approximately every 3 months the piece needs to be checked by me. This is also another reason I prefer face to face meetings.
- Caring for your resin gem. Resin gem jewellery isn’t for everyday 24/7 wear. This is due to the nature of the resin, not the mount its set in. Resin gems are to be treated like pearls. Do not wear your items to the gym, while doing the gardening, moving house or office, cleaning, doing housework, washing up or where you are in contact with a hard surface. Resin doesn’t like water and doesn’t like cigarette smoke. Smoke can cause discoloration. Resin gems should not come into contact with perfumes, hand creams, soap, hand sanitizer, or cleaning products of any kind. Treat your resin gem the same as a pearl.
- Repairs: any repair work needing done at a later date eg resize, the gem will be removed, work on the mount is completed and the gem is reset. Resin gems cannot take any heat whatsoever. Your ring mount is like any other made from precious metal eg 9, 14 or 18ct gold or platinum.
Caring for you gold mount:
Scratching and damage can occur when coming into contact with hard surfaces such as;
- metals eg steel, steel tools, hammers, pliers heavy lifting of metal objects, ceramic tiles, brick, rock, stone, concrete.
- Any surface harder than gold.
- Taking care of your Jewellery will ensure its longevity.
Now, Lets create something amazing.
If you would like more information or to make an appointment, please email me at donna@demarge.com.au